That's even with most of the concepts and features from the expansions baked right into the base game of AI War 2. Right off the bat, I can say that AI War 2 keeps much of the complexity of the original game, while being easier to learn and wrap your head around. A half dozen expansions released over the years turned up that complexity by more than a few extra notches. While I found the original AI War to be fascinating, and enjoyed fiddling with it from time to time, I was mostly overwhelmed by the massive number of options and potential strategies the game offered.
With the release of AI War 2, Arcen Games has created a title which takes all of the best elements of the original and attempts to streamline the experience into something far more accessible to the less hardcore players among us. It combined elements of many strategy genres to create an experience unlike anything that has come before or since. AI War: Fleet Command came out just over one decade ago.